

In the usually quiet and tranquil countryside called by the name of koputaroa, where nothing much ever happened, an unusual event unfolded. The sky crackled with energy, showering the unsuspecting children of Koputaroa School with shimmering sparks of power. Within days, news spread of ordinary children exhibiting extraordinary abilities.  Ella , the joker, discovered her ability to bend reality, creating incredible illusions that captivated her friends.There were also two boys by the name of Obi and Cohen ,  they formed as the legends of Koputaroa. Obi’s superpower was invisibility, it activated every time he held his breath which  was about 1m:12s  and Cohen on the other hand had fire powers  Cohens fire abilities were activated whenever he got angry .

You’re probably  wondering how they got into this situation and where’s the rest of the class?. Well let me explain it was one ordinary day and birds were chirping, trees were swinging and the sun was bright and crisp. Children were arriving at school when a big tsunami hit and all the kids except for Cohen, Obi and Ella disappeared. It was a sad time to be in, especially for the parents who had lost their loved ones don’t worry they didn’t die, they just got  kidnapped.

After the incident the kids found an unusual tape a voice played saying “ I  know you’re probably wondering why I have decided to kidnap your fellow classmates and friends but I just want to inform you that the only way you will get them back is if you send $20,000000 in cash by the end of this week if not horrendous things will happen

After the incident the kids found an unusual tape a voice played saying “ I  know you’re probably wondering why I have decided to kidnap your fellow classmates and friends but I just want to inform you that the only way you will get them back is if you send $20,000000 in cash by the end of this week if not horrendous things will happen

Yours messi

Ella,Cohen and obi had to find a solution fast to get money and save their friends….. 





Once upon a time in a insane town there lived  a very smart girl  named Matilda she was  born with very gifted talents but was raised with terrible parent called by the name of Mr & Mrs Wormwood when Matilda was born her parents wanted nothing to do with her let alone her brother Michel , Matilda loved to read and I mean it , she would spend hours at the library reading 24/7 she also dreamed of going to school. But she was scared that she would get a hiding because in her family if you were smart or wanted help you would get punished.



One day Matilda overheard her dad talking about enrolling her at school she couldn’t believe what she heard and was overjoyed with excitement she started by packing her bag and getting ready then her dad ( Mr Wormwood ) barged into Matilda’s room telling her the news, Matilda  acting innocent Pretending to know nothing covered her mouth and didn’t  say a word  “ see you tomorrow twit “ her dad uttered Matilda went straight to bed as she had a big day ahead of her. 


Beep beep beep Matilda was woken up by the sound of the alarm and got dressed in her most posh outfit and went to the car. Vroom vroom they had arrived Matilda opened the door only to see big black gates awaiting to be opened . 


Matilda stepped outside and the gates creaked open then matilda   got out she had gotten  introduced by Miss Trunchbull, Miss Trunchbull stared  at matilda with big brown beady eyes welcome to Crunchem Hall Elementary School another pesky little brat said Miss Trunchbull then left .Matilda was overwhelmed with shock behind  Miss Trunchbull there stood a girl in a lovely bright purple dress and a big lovely smile.


 “ Hi, I’m Lavender. Sorry about Miss Trunchbull, she’s like that to everyone ,what’s your name?   “ Hi my name Matilda Wormwood” “do you want me to show you around? “Sure”  Lavender showed Matilda around the hallway and through their classroom “good morning” “hi” replied Matilda “are you matilda wormwood ?” “yes mam” “well it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m your teacher Miss Honey I’m sure you’ve met Miss Trunchbull” Matilda nodded her head slowly up and down “ here take a seat next to lavender  “okay” added Matilda so from that day on matilda started going to school and of course she would have problems but eventually her and miss Trunchbull decided that the reason they got of to a hard start was because of Mr Wormwood and so then they could overcome anything (by blaming it on Mr Wormwood )so they lived happily ever after.😁

The Red Bull

This term for reading we have been reading short story’s  this week we read a story called The Red Bull this book was about two sisters and there difference Ida the older sister is very shy and clumsy  were as May is quite the opposite she is loud and ready to catch the ball at any second  after we read the book we got assigned with a create task this week it was to make a wanted sign here’s mine.😁

The Three Little Pigs

This week we have been reading about the three little pigs and looking at different versions of the story after we  read the story we had a create task this week our task was to make a letter  from a different character of the story I made it of the big bad wolf here’s what I rote.

Unique Uranus

Unique Uranus

Here’s some real life facts about Uranus.

What Uranus is made out of

Did you you know that Uranus is made partly out of water and rock?! 

How Uranus orbits the sun

Uranus makes a complete orbit around the Sun a year in Uranian time in about 84 Earth years and 30,687 Earth days like did you know that (I bet you didn’t).

How Uranus got its name

Do you know how Uranus got its name?  Well in fact it was actually named after a Greek God named Uranus God of the Sky, well I think that’s pretty cool, don’t you think? 

Hope you learnt something new about Uranus.

Embedding Google Docs

I learnt to embed a  post about how we should not hunt whales  , it took longer than expected because the internet was a bit slow I enjoyed making this and would love to do it again

please give feedback 😉


My Waitangi Photo

We have been learning about the treaty of Waitangi

First we got put into groups I was in a group with Addiae and Liam we made a picture as our task

This photo was about when the British was came to New Zealand  and started drinking.

Me and Addie were demosrating the drunk British and Liam in the back was being a inoscint shocked New Zealander.

Embedding Goggle Slides


Before I embedd my slide I need to change the share setting to anyone with the link. T`hen I need to press file,share then publish to web and click on embed chose the size and playing settings,and copy the code.On my postI then click on add media ,Insert Embed code,paste the code,and click on insert.